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Cork Insulation Specifications, Use and Characteristics

Cork has unique features that make it an excellent material for use in Construction and Decoration. It is 100% natural, a renewable resource, and has notable physical properties such as: thermal, acoustic, and anti vibration insulation. It is moreover notable for its low weight, elasticity and impermeability to liquids and gasses. Cork has come to be widely used in construction as a material for producing parquet style floor, wall or ceiling coverings, expansion joints, air cavity fillings, refrigerator chambers, heating and air conditioning tube coverings, and machine foundations that absorb vibrations and noise.Thus, a well-insulated building provides greater comfort and is therefore more energy efficient, resulting in greater savings. Regarding its use in industrial areas, especially when used as insulation (for improving machine performance and preventing waste of energy and wear), it substantially increases the yield of workers who are given a more pleasant working environment.


Cork Insulation

The concept of Green Building is another new trend that is used in the residential and commercial sectors to significantly reduce negative impacts on the Environment and the people living in it.The term Green Building was born from a growing concern with the high rate of consumption of natural resources,such as power and water, and with building in the context of large cities.


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